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Introduction to the Bucket Approach Training

  • December 02, 2020
  • December 09, 2020

Introduction to the Bucket Approach Training

This series of two, 60-minute webinars starts with building the case for the need for behavioral health clinicians to address tobacco use and describing evidence-based tobacco interventions for the general public. You will then receive an overview of the Bucket Approach, which is an evidence-based set of tobacco dependence interventions tailored to both smokers coping with a mental illness and busy behavioral health clinicians. Included is a demonstration of one or two tobacco interventions included as part of the Bucket Approach. Finally, clinicians and tobacco users will describe their experience with the Bucket Approach.


Health Professionals who work in the field of addiction medicine


  • Self-identify beliefs that serve as barriers to providing needed evidence-based tobacco dependence interventions to their patients, and articulate evidence that contradicts those beliefs
  • Describe general evidence-based tobacco dependence treatments
  • Describe how the Bucket Approach is evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment that is tailored to their setting and know how to access training in the Bucket Approach
  • Assess how their existing skills as clinicians can be used when providing tobacco dependence interventions that are tailored to their patients

Visit the website for more information on the program, faculty, accreditation and to register! 

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